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  • Practical sustainable products to global market

  • Improve sustainable capabilities

  • Foundations of Circular Economy

  • Mutually grow together in specialized clusters powered by Eco Capital Consortium.

  • Connected Ecosystem of sustainable products

  • Enable quality ecosystem for us and future generations

What we do together?

  • Dedicated partner with specific capabilities such as sustainable technology, production and distribution.

  • Established capability or technology with potential in chosen segment with potential to form scalable cluster.

  • Experience in standardized and customized order production and delivery.

  • Willingness to dedicate resource to sustainable product development

  • Innovative Solution Development - Lab to Market.

What we expect?

  • A reliable partner who integrates technology and market requirements.

  • Visible metrics of Eco Impact® of all projects, products - powered by Misai®. 

  • Business Case Certainty - through mature market presence.

  • Robust capabilities through cluster networks.

  • Deep market insight and effective solution

  • Sustainable Technology Sharing

  • Resource and Smart Network

What you get?

What we do together?

  • Practical sustainable products to global market

  • Improve sustainable capabilities

  • Foundations of Circular Economy

  • Mutually grow together in specialized clusters powered by Eco Capital Consortium.

  • Connected Ecosystem of sustainable products

  • Enable quality ecosystem for us and future generations

What you get?

  • A reliable partner who integrates technology and market requirements.

  • Visible metrics of Eco Impact® of all projects, products - powered by Misai®. 

  • Business Case Certainty - through mature market presence.

  • Robust capabilities through cluster networks.

  • Deep market insight and effective solution

  • Sustainable Technology Sharing

  • Resource and Smart Network

What we expect?

  • Dedicated partner with specific capabilities such as sustainable technology, production and distribution.

  • Established capability or technology with potential in chosen segment with potential to form scalable cluster.

  • Experience in standardized and customized order production and delivery.

  • Willingness to dedicate resource to sustainable product development

  • Innovative Solution Development - Lab to Market.

Partnern with us

Thinai Group builds practical solutions in collaboration with network partners and contributors globally. We are always looking for enthusiastic people who care about sustainability. We believe that a critical mass is required to sustain our initiative and lead further development. There are still multiple challenges to be solved. Connect with us if you see a synergy to collaborate.

Currently we seek manufacturing partners for Thinaiware, Thinai Care, Thalir and construction segments. If you have capability outside our immediate focus area - you are welcome to send us a business proposal for consideration.

Manufacturing Partners

We continuously seek technology that can improve quality and sustainability while being efficient with resources. We strive to be the leader in green Eco Impact® benchmarks based on LIFE Metrics® criteria. Our network cooperates with research organizations to bring them to mainstream market.

Technology Partners

Are you efficient in distribution? We seek distribution partners in EU, North America and Asia to take our innovative solutions to market. Distributors have a strong contribution to the Performance Eco Impact® Score of our products. Contact us to initiate our collaboration.

Distribution  Partners

Partners we look for

Circular economic foundations

We will build the foundation elements necessary for scalable Circular Economy together. Our network is organized into specialization clusters which are self-sufficient to handle its domain area. Together we form a robust network with strong market presence. The cluster format is facilitated by Eco Capital Consortium - improving investor relations. Join our journey - let us architect the future together.

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